Equine | Lifestyle & Design
one, t(w)o-a-day
one, t(w)o-a-day

one, t(w)o-a-day

As you may have noticed, interpriority’s visual look had an update over the holidays!
A new year, new possibilities. New colours and strategies for staying connected and sharing our story. ☺

In the process, we’ve changed a lil bit within our contact page, overall website colour scheme, together with interconnection between instagram and facebook. We’re soon to incorporate pinterest, discord and twitter a bit more actively, together with… Twitch!

Slowly but surely building our community as we plod along this journey. No spam.
Hope you like it, as we certainly are!

With all that said, a lot of work can be identified within an every day Task list we tend to do for things that need doing. To help curate sufficient time and resources entitled towards each activity, that requires your attention for a certain something and time. Not to mention, personally, I’ll be returning to 9 – 5 as of tomorrow. A lil bit shakey, as we know from our story, I didn’t have priorities straight to ensure self-care remain part of my routine somewhere, together with quality time between family, friends and my horse Idol. I’m hopeful, that the strategy I’m to share with us today – will be of help when we’re stuck either within momentum, or stuck without feeling purposeful within our day and thoughts. Perhaps even when we’re overwhelmed? Not winning. Or when we’re a bit scattered thin between everything. This could be what we need to keep us going at it. To keep our priorities top of mind and our resources.

one today
one in two days
one, or two today
one, or two a day
in one or two days
for one or two days
Just for today, push for two

With each day filled with its own sets of opportunities and challenges, it’s up to us to decide whether Life’s happening to us, or for us. And most times while trying to figure it out we tend to become paralyzed within our own mind. Either by over thinking a particular topic or, not doing anything at all. Two extremes we’re hoping to find ways around.

I was reminded this week, on how my thinking used to punish me. A sense of overwhelm kicking in when considering tasks for professional growth, and then also the smaller things we’d wanted to do at home. I used to beat myself up when I didn’t show up to whom I had expected to be the next day – when I had so many self made activities lined up and ready to be done for a sense of achievement. ‘Success.’

I’ve come to peace with knowing, that no matter how ideal we want a moment to be – sometimes, our body, mind and soul decides against it. Most times, it’s when other individuals are involved, that things could turn the other way. Sometimes ugly. I’ve come to the realisation how I’m too quick to set myself up for failure due to marking the bar of success too high in almost everything I get involved in. A perfectionist, if you will. A particular eye for detail. A sense on how things should be… A sense on how things could be, if we all just tried a lil bit harder.

As if, taking it upon myself (the responsibility) to embark sufficient influence towards the moment’s perception – to always be just perfect. Watching the way I speak and act. Reading too much into others’ behaviours… Which already is a big no-no. All just too weary to step on any toes or upset anybody. Let alone, express myself when there’s so much still on the list that needs doing!

I’m honest here – The beginnings are always easy, and won’t stay that way for long. It’s about whether your method towards success is sustainable for continued growth and action. In a balanced and healthy way.

This one, t(w)o-a-day mantra, allows for a safe space for mindful bartering and negotiations. Using reason. Between You and your own self.

It’s too often that our days fall behind, and time past become all but a blur compared to for what’s coming. Too often we find ourselves within the same old same, be it comfortable or most efficient. Yet stuck. Overthinking. The Past. What ifs. Could ifs. If onlys.

One, t(w)o-a-day : get to it, and get it done well. Soon.

Whether it’s today, or tomorrow
Whether it’s today and tomorrow
Whether it’s not for today, but for tomorrow
Whether not for the next two days, but definitely that next day
Or, for the one or two tasks per day…
Let’s do this!

eg. Let’s say I saw Idol(horse) yesterday. It’s okay, should today turn out crazy – not to visit him. As long as I do so either tomorrow, but definitely by latest the day after that. A must, a no argue. I’m going then.
Again, should I have seen him for the past two days, it’s okay to take a day off for me, to focus on something else.

Similar to work – personal time, coffee dates, seeing family…

Once you know it’s okay to have a day- or – two- day grace between certain activities or tasks or efficiencies… Just see how you’re booming afterwards when it’s actually time to show up and get things done. Because this way, you’re identifying priorities, learning to talk to yourself in an informed manner, and also – get stuff done!

Good luck and have fun with the process!

Should you head on over to our instagram ( @interpriority) you’ll find a lot more detail on each of the topics we discussed here. It’s more of a visual platform for quicker intake. Go and have a look and let us know what you think!




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